Busy as a bee

We over here at Kottage Kupboard are keeping very busy these days. Not only are we looking through vendor applications, sending invoces and contracts, but we are looking for those amazing artisians that will make the craft fair amazing.

Along with all of that, streamlining the process has been on the top of my list since I have started to bring back The Kottage Kupboard. Being organized and making sure all the I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed is something that is very important to me. I feel that with organization amazing things can happen. And anythign that will decress stress for people is always a win in my book. When I am organized, I feel that I can have a calmer deminer and be a happier person overall. So for all those people that are like me THUMBS UP!!

Now when I get ‘too’ organized, my husband is always there to tell me that it’s ok to chill out sometimes. Kick back, and watch some Impratical Jokers. Have you ever seen that? Oh…my….they are hysterical to me. I am so embarassed for them sometimes that is for sure. I don’t agree with all of the jokes, but it is a good thing to put in and make yourself laugh out loud.

Speaking of which, we have both signed up for indoor soccer. He is a pretty athletic guy. Me? I USED to be. Like I USED to be a size 6, in HIGH SCHOOL. So, we will see how this goes. If no one hears from me tomorrow, you know I died trying to be a healthier person, and that it CAN kill you.

Thank you everyone for your continued support, and love. I am so excited for this coming year of crafting! it will be memorable.

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